You have to move your appliances to a new home, or you need to reposition your washer and dryer to a new place in the house. In any case in which these household appliances need to be moved, it is always a good idea to hire an appliance service that offers washer and dryer moving, such as Appliance Moving. There is a lot that can go wrong when you move these appliances on your own. Here is a look at three things that can happen if you try to move a washing machine or dryer by yourself. 

You could end up with a back injury. 

One of the biggest reasons people end up in the emergency room with a back strain, sprain, or injury is because they were trying to lift something heavy or awkward. Washers and dryers are some of the heaviest household appliances in the entire house, and they are also some of the most cumbersome to try to maneuver. If you do not follow the proper lifting techniques, you could end up throwing your back out and not being able to even finish getting the appliances moved where you want them. 

You could end up scarring your floors. 

Most washers and dryers have these small feet on the bottom that are like small metal discs. These feet are in place to prevent scarring the floor while the appliances are sitting on a surface. However, when you go scooting these appliances across the linoleum, wood flooring, or laminate, the sharp edges can catch the surface of the floor and leave some pretty ugly scars. It is far better to leave the task of moving these appliances to professionals who have the proper equipment to do so without causing damage to your floors. 

You could end up damaging your appliances. 

People often do not realize just how difficult it can be to move a washer or dryer without causing it damage. These appliances are far easier to damage than you may think. For example, a washing machine has an inner tub that is situated in place with a seal around it, and shifting or turning a washing machine upside down or too far in one direction can knock the seal out of place. Or consider that clothes dryers have an inner drum that is seated on rubber rollers, and shifting the dryer awkwardly could knock the drum off its rollers. These damages are common during DIY appliance moves. 
